Cafe de Sante is a look into our lifestyles. Where we are, how we got here, and why we love it! We'll share with you some of our favorite recipes and favorite foods.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Complete Protein Foods!
An Avacado has more usable protein than a large steak!
Vegetables, Nuts, & whole Grains actually provide all the protein anyone needs!
It's simply not complicated!
Egg Replacement for baking cookies & muffins!
1/4 c Tofu per 1 Egg
1 T ground Flax Seed + 3T Water, whip together till fluffy per 1 Egg
Coconut Oil Chocolate
Lime Rice with Sr Cream & Mango Salsa
Spicey Peanut Coconut Chutney (not sweet!)
If you wish you may grind your coconut flakes to a finer grade before mixing, although not necessary.
This is a great side to serve with any spicy lentil dish! ...with Dosa's!
Dosa's are like a crepe but made with rice instead of flour! So so good!
Pita Bread or Naan works great instead of Dosas and both can be purchased at the grocers!
Delicious Lentil Curry
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Coconut Chicken
Chicken Breast
Ezekiel Bread
2 or 3 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil (per skillet)
1 Tablespoon of coconut flakes per chicken serving
1/8 teaspoon apple pie spice (per apple)
Dash of Himalayan salt for bread and apples.
Just a smidgen of Stevia
For the stevia, I like the KAL brand but I hear the liquid stevia is pretty good too. Did I just say "I like" and "stevia" in the same sentence? I think we're making more than lunch here folks, smells like progress.
I started with a cast iron skillet that was hot with coconut oil. I fry broccoli, I like it well done and crispy. Let this cook a couple of minutes while you set up the next pan. It'll cook a lot longer while you're making the rest. Toss it around a couple of times, you'll know when it's done.
In another skillet, flash fry in coconut oil some coconut flakes, then add chicken medallions. I coat the chicken pieces with the coconut flakes while it cooks and let it cook thoroughly. Once the chicken is fully cooked remove it to a separate plate.
While the broccoli is cooking and after the chicken has been removed slice or dice an apple (per person) into the same pan, toss with a dash of stevia and some apple pie spice (or cinnamon) until the apple bits are browned. Just before removing the apples, drizzle them with a tablespoon or two of water. This will pull the flavors up from the bottom of the pan and make a type of reduction, or sauce, to be served with the apples. You can pour a bit of cream over the apples for added decadence.
Want to know how I make my Ezekiel Bread?
Oh, you do! Ok, pull your slices from the freezer and every good boy or girl keeps it there. "Butter" both sides of your frozen bread with coconut oil (or even real butter). It will, of course, freeze onto the bread, it's perfect. Now, toss the bread into the apple skillet and grill as if you're making a grilled cheese sandwhich. Let the bread get slightly browned and crunchy. I throw a little salt over mine, sometimes even cinnamon or apple pie spice and a dusting of stevia. It's better than cinnamon toast Ladies and Gents! Or you can fry it up with coconut oil, salt it, and call it super-groovy.

Because it is, no matter how you have it.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I bought some coconut flour tonight at Mama Jean's thinking I might be able to do something good with it. Right on the back of the bag was a recipe for brownies. I changed the recipe because I didn't wan't to use some of the stuff they put in there (like sugar and butter). So here's what I did:
1/2 Cup Coconut Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Powder
2 Eggs
1/4 C Agave
1/3 C Coconut Oil
1/2 C Water
Combine the coconut flour with the cocoa powder and set aside. In a separate bowl mix the eggs, agave, oil, and water. Now put the wet and dry ingredients together. I used a loaf pan so mine would be thicker and I baked it for 25 - 30 mins. They weren't any thicker than anyone else's brownies so I'll do some tweaking and get back with you!
These are SUGAR FREE, GLUTEN FREE, and great for you!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Coconut Oil
The 1st website I have read is here. It lists the major benefits of eating or using coconut oil.
Another site that I feel has a lot of the same information, as well as some new, is here. You'll need to scroll past the advertisements to get to the good stuff.
Something else that has to do with coconut oil is called "Oil Pulling" or "OP". Here's a link to a site that describes that very well. Read the Introduction, the Instructions, and the Notes, then scroll to about 1/3 of the way down the page to Sandy's Oil Pulling Compilation for a list of oils and their benefits (as associated with oil pulling).
To summarize the information that's listed on the benefits sites I'll tell you this: coconut oil is comprised of Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) as opposed to the Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA) found in almost every other fat or oil, so our bodies process coconut oil in a way that is much different from almost every other fat or oil. This has many benefits for weight and cholesterol management because our bodies process it as energy rather than fat to be stored.
Coconut oil is also known to be anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, it works as an anti-inflammatory, and is also high in anti-oxidants. This is not to be taken as a cure for anything, but can help your body prevent much sickness and disease.
You can use this oil on your hair, on your skin, and I even use it on my face. I put it on a blister that had formed on the back of my heal while I was mowing the grass, and it healed right up. There is no limit to what you can do with this wonder food.
Coconut oil is also used in cooking. I use nothing but coconut oil when cooking because it has a high heat tolerance therefore, when heated, it does not become carcinogenic. Other than real butter, all other fats/oils become toxic when heated. When you smoke a cigarette, you are inhaling carcinogens, these are cancerous, and any oil other than coconut oil or real butter has these same properties. I encourage you to use every other kind of healthful oil you can find, but do not heat it.
Coconut oil can be eaten in place of butter, with a little added salt (My mom and I both like Himalayan) it will taste no different. I love butter and have not missed it a bit. If I didn't have coconut oil, then I would miss it, everyday...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Anyway, I like to add a little cream to my chocolate. It makes it a slightly fluffy and thick, almost a pudding. Since the cream tends to clot and get a little weird when one makes this "out of order", I usually mix the cream with the cocoa before adding the oil. Tonight I didn't pay attention though and I added the oil with the cocoa before it was warmed. "Oops, I was going to add cream!" Then I thought "Hmmm, not enough cocoa anyway, better go to the store before I finish this." Then I thought again (I did a lot of thinking tonight) "Hmmm, just take a little of the oil/cocoa on the side and mix in a smidge of cream and see if it works, can't be that bad, right?" Right! I hadn't warmed the oil so the cream didn't clot, brilliant!
Click the link for the delicious Chocolate recipe !
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Vegan Way!
Vegan alternatives to the animal products listed above are: almond milk, soy milks, rice milk, oils, soy yogurt, vegetable broth, vegan imitation eggs, even vegan mayo. Egg replacers can be flax seed or tofu, and they work great in chocolate chip cookies!
Major benefits to choosing alternatives (even just now and then) to animal products is no growth hormone, no steroids, and no anti-biotics!
Any of the above mentioned milks work great in your morning cereal, with a warm cookie, or mixed with chocolate. Your next salad could easily be vegan! Hold the ham and cheese, and pile on some avocado, salsa or tomatoes for a south of the boarder spin or nuts and cranberries for a Mediterranean twist. We do lots of combinations that include olives, chick peas, nuts, berries, seeds, just use your imagination. There's a whole world of choices that span way beyond our usual mid-western options.
The Chocolate of Life
This is not just any chocolate, this chocolate will change your life! The life changing aspect of this chocolate is that it's made with real coconut oil. A few of the benefits of eating coconut oil daily include lowered cholesterol, weight loss, and a boosted immune system. We'll tell you more about that in another post. In the mean time, get started!
1/4 c Coconut Oil
1/4 c Cocoa Powder
Stevia (as with all stevia, start out with very little and add more as you prefer)
or Agave (about a teaspoon)
To warm the oil, we place our dish of combined ingredients in a pan or bowl of hot water. Stir well. Stir extra well if you opt for agave (since it tends to settle at the bottom).
You can put your dish right into the fridge or freezer or, as we prefer, or pour the chocolate into an ice cube tray (or candy mold).
Optional add-ins:
Nuts, nut, nuts!
Peanut or almond butter
Coconut flakes
Another delicious addition!